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Wrap around care at Poplars Farm

At Poplars Farm Primary, we appreciate how hard it is juggling work and the school pick up. For this reason we offer an extended school day, with wrap around care form 7.45am-6.00pm. We aim to keep costs as low as possible as we recognise the benefits of our pupils mixing together in a social setting.


Breakfast Club

Breakfast Club is for pupils in Reception to Year 6. It runs daily from 7.45am until the start of school. It is offered at a cost of £1.50 a session, whcih includes breakfast. Children who are in receipt of PPG are attend the breakfast club at no cost. 

After School Care Club

 Our After School Club runs daily for pupils from Reception to Year 6. The cost of this provision is £4 for up to 4:30pm collection or £6 for up to a 6pm collection and includes tea.

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