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School Uniform

It is the policy for all pupils to wear school uniform. Items of uniform with our school logo are available from Whittakers Schoolware of Shipley and The Uniform Shop in Bradford, but parents can choose to buy alternative items of clothing in school colours.

It is important that all items of clothing are clearly marked with the child's name.

Uniform for pupils in Nursery

Item of clothing Colour
Shirt Navy  polo shirt, with or without school logo
Skirt/trousers/shorts Grey (or navy)
Sweatshirt/cardigan/jumper                                                    Jade green, with or without school logo
Summer Dress Green or blue checked school dress
Socks Plain white, navy or grey
Tights Plain white, navy or grey
Footwear Outdoor: black, sensible, plain school shoes. 
Outdoor Clothing Sensible, warm, waterproof outdoor coat appropriate for school wear. Wellingtons. Expensive items are worn at own risk.                                                 

Nursery pupils do not require a PE kit.

Uniform for pupils in Reception and Years 1-6

Item of clothing Colour
Shirt Jade green polo shirt, with or without school logo
Skirt/trousers/shorts Grey (or navy)
Sweatshirt/cardigan/jumper Navy blue, with or without school logo
Summer Dress Green or blue checked school dress
Socks Plain white, navy or grey
Tights Plain white, navy or grey
Footwear Indoor: black traditional pumps.
Outdoor: black, sensible, plain school shoes.
Outdoor Clothing Sensible, warm, waterproof outdoor coat appropriate for school wear. Expensive items are worn at own risk.

PE Clothing

Pupils in Reception and in Years 1-6 are expected to have a full change of clothing to participate in Physical Education. For indoor work children can wear pumps or may participate in bare feet. 

Indoor Red T-shirt with black shorts/pumps or bare feet
Outdoor As above but with a black or navy tracksuit in cold weather and trainers
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